Loop Isn’t Working!

What should I do?

First, don’t panic. Read this page, take a deep breath and check out the Loopdocs section on Troubleshooting.


The first step in Troubleshooting is to document what’s happening- what do your Loop screens look like, what error messages are you seeing, and how is it impacting your Loop app.  The more information that you can provide, the faster that your Loop app will be up and running and your Loop icon will be green.

  • Screenshots:  Take a screenshot of your Loop Status Screen.  If your Loop is Red or Yellow, press your Loop icon and screenshot the error message. One of the helpful volunteers who tries to assist you in troubleshooting your Loop may want to see these screenshots.
  • Issue Report:  Click on your Loop Settings icon and then click on Issue Report.  Click on the square with the up-arrow in the upper right corner and email an Issue Report to yourself.  One of the helpful volunteers who tries to assist you in troubleshooting your Loop may want to see the Issue Report.


Since Loop is DIY, you’ll want to take an active role in troubleshooting your Loop.  Open up an editor program or email so that you can quickly paste any screenshots or any URL links that might help with troubleshooting. Use the search feature in Loopdocs or this website to see if your problem is found there.  Use the search feature in your favorite social media group Loop and Learn FB group, Looped FB group, Zulipchat, or Github to see if anyone else has reported this issue or a potential solution.  Sometimes doing this little bit of research will help you understand your issue better and determine what other information might be helpful in solving it or better describe it.

Asking for Help

Do not cross-post your issue across multiple social media groups – pick one group to ask for Help.  The volunteers who help others troubleshoot Loop often monitor more than one of the groups listed in the Research section above, so please don’t have multiple people working on your issues by posting in multiple locations – there are only so many volunteers and they only have so many hours to spend.  Describe your Loop issue, provide screenshots and offer to provide an Issue Report.  If you’ve found some information in that you didn’t quite understand, provide links to what you’ve found and be honest that you just don’t understand. (This will also prevent the frustrating situation where a volunteer points you to a page that you found but did not understand. Sometimes, you need things said a different way.)

Resolving a Red Loop

First off, take a screenshot of your Red Loop error message.  Then try the fastest and easiest way to resolve a Red Loop:

  1. If you use one, shut radio-link off and then on again.
  2. Toggle the Bluetooth switch under your phone settings
  3. Quit the Loop app and then restart it
  4. If that doesn’t work, try cycling your iPhone off and on again.
  5. If your Loop is still red,
    1. Take another screenshot,
    2. Email yourself an Issue Report, and
    3. Research as described above.

The Loopdocs have even more information about Troubleshooting a Red Loop.

Pump Issues

When you are traveling and change time zones, or when “summer time” comes and goes you must sync the phone time to the pod time. Or, to sync it up now, go into Settings – Pump – Change Time Zone. Poking that option will sync the pod to the phone. For most people, this hour difference in basal rates probably won’t make much difference. Some people have drastically different rates at certain times to account for exercise such as swimming, and that hour difference can be important.

Loop Crashes Upon Opening – Why?

App Expired?

Your Loop app has an expiration date. The expiration date will depend on the type of developer account that signed the app.

  • If you build with a free account, your app will expire after 7 days
  • If you build with Browser Build, your TestFlight version will expire after 90 days
  • If you build with a paid account, your app will expire after 12 months

If your Loop app expires, you need to rebuild.  See this LoopDocs: Update/Rebuild Loop FAQs page.

If this isn’t the problem, review the LoopDocs: Loop App Crashes page.

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